BlockBank AMA session at The AMA Room — April 9th 2021

Join our team on April 9th for an AMA with the amazing community of @theamaroom

Nolvia Serrano


Everyone, get your questions ready. We are excited to announce that on this upcoming friday our co-founders Anastasija Plotnikova and Darren Franceschini along with our CMO, Nolvia Serrano will be present in The AMA Room´s telegram group to respond all your questions and talk about combining the best of Defi and CeFi worlds assisted by AI technology.

AMA session will take place on April 9th at 14 hours UTC in their telegram group: and there will be over $1000 #Prize Pool for the best questions.

The BlockBank team is looking forward to interact with you and share with The AMA Room community our future plans to disrupt the financial system bringing AI-powered, traditional mobile banking experience with seamless crypto integration.

Visit twitter post here

If you have any questions for us, please comment below.

About BlockBank

BlockBank is an AI-powered, traditional mobile banking experience with seamless crypto integration.

BlockBank vision is to create an all-in-one crypto application that simplifies the user experience without compromising security, privacy, or decentralization. We aim to combine the best of DeFi and CeFi worlds in one place, incorporating AI technology to bring financial empowerment to clients.

Join our community at

Twitter: @BLOCKBANKapp



Nolvia Serrano
Writer for

Marketing and public relations passionate about freedom and financial inclusion.